Looking back over 20 years of ministry brings shouts of praise and thanksgiving to God for truly he has done great things!

For years we have prayed for women isolated and abused because of their cultures, religions, and poverty. Reports from our global teams tell us once again that women are finding hope and salvation in Jesus. The TWR Women of Hope audio programs are providing practical and spiritual knowledge, and the monthly prayer calendars and group activities are helping women learn to pray in a personal way to the God who sees and hears them.

Women in Kigoma, Tanzania, are very hungry for God. When they heard there was going to be TWR Women of Hope training for leaders, they came to learn. The first day of training, there were 220 women. Women learned the role of TWR Women of Hope and how to pray together. Nine women gave their lives to Christ. Word spread. The following day, 500 women and men arrived for the training. Eighteen more came to Christ. They told the trainers that they would like to come earlier the next day so that they could have more time to praise God and pray together!

A listener in Calcutta, India, said,

“I have been listening to the Bengali Women of Hope program. This program is truly an inspiration in my life. My life is full of sorrow since my husband married another woman. But your program has taught me that prayer brings peace and happiness into one’s life. It has taught me how to keep faith in the Lord no matter what. I like every aspect of the Women of Hope ministry, including the prayer fellowship and prayer calendars, which have helped me a lot in the refinement of my views about life.”

To download this month's prayer calendar, click the drop-down menu and select your desired language and format.  A PDF will download to your device.  Feel free to print this calendar for your personal use or for a friend or small group. To request the calendar by mail (U.S. only), please fill out this form