I was never consistently discipled by a specific person in the beginning of my faith journey. As a two-year old believer, I’m just now learning some of the foundational truths by which faith is strengthened.

I am so grateful for TWR Women of Hope’s podcast Hope Has a Name. My heart has been ministered to through Peggy and Babbie’s conversations. This program has been a huge blessing to me that has deepened my understanding of what it means to be a daughter of our heavenly High King.

For so long, I had struggled with my identity and often times withheld myself from the throne of God. Anxiety hovered over me, and fear and insecurity became blankets that covered every area of my life. The Lord is faithful though to remove things that hinder us from His love and who He created us to be.

In one episode, Babbie recalled when she heard someone say, “’You are God’s favorite’,” and Babbie added, “and that is true for everyone listening.” That took me by such surprise because I realized that I didn’t always believe that – at least I didn’t pray like I did.

In another episode about waiting on the Lord, I was convicted by the statement that said, “There comes a time when you need to start believing the things you’ve studied all your life.” Well, Jesus said even said something similar in John 17! Was I going to believe it or not?

Each episode is packed with biblical truth to remind me of who God is and who He says I am. I love the practical tips for living out God’s Word. Whether I was in the car, jogging, or working, I soaked myself in truth. Over time, I found myself transformed with joy restored and strength renewed!

The Lord peeled back layer after layer of my heart with each episode that passed. I began to pray like a faithful daughter because God delighted to hear from me as any parent would with a child.

Occasionally, Hope Has a Name features a declaration of truth - it wasn’t until those episodes that I realized the power of reciting Scripture aloud. When you recite the verses, you may not believe or feel anything, but God is not a feeling. Regardless of what I felt, I would join along in proclaiming that I am worthy and loved until my heart would rest in that truth - even amidst the storms of life.

Join with me and enjoy some of my favorite declarations that I adapted into a prayer,

God is with me, so who can be against me?
I am set free from condemnation.
And I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.
I can come to Him with confidence because of his son Jesus,
Who gave His life for me while I was far off from God.
Thank you for your grace, love, and truth, Father.
Guide me in all your ways.

This story was shared with our team from a listener of Hope Has a Name, a podcast hosted by Dr. Peggy Banks, global ministry director of TWR Women of Hope, and Babbie Mason, a singer/songwriter.  You can listen to and download the latest episode on TWR360. Be sure to let us know what you think!

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