Blamed. Shamed. Silenced. Imprisoned in her own home. Treated worse than an animal. Denied a say in her marriage or in how her own body is used. Truth be told, many parts of the world are dark and dangerous places for women.


But misguided cultures and religions cannot overcome the truth of God’s Word. The light of his love destroys the darkness. In Jesus, there is meaning to her life on Earth. Through Jesus there is a way to heaven for her. She has worth in the eyes of the God who gave his life for her.

The Middle Eastern woman who contacted our Arabic team is just discovering that thousands of sisters around the world – and many men, too – are reaching out to her through prayer, radio broadcasts and online posts like the one she read. People she will never meet in person support and produce the Women of Hope programs that touch the lives of countless women desperately searching for hope. And that support enables our teams to respond to heartfelt questions like hers.

The impact of your prayers and financial gifts is eternal. Thank you for your faithfulness.
