
The following is the amazing story of a woman called Alina,* a listener of the Women of Hope programs. ...

Transformative Programs

“They came to our house to cut me when I was only seven years old. It was a traumatic experience for me; I had to go through the pain and agony for 21 days after the initial step. They used heat to make sure I recovered from the cutting and...

Choosing Faith

God continues to use TWR Women of Hope to impact women’s lives around the world. Recently, our team in Southeast Asia received a testimony from a listener of the Women of Hope program in Indonesia. ...

Hope to Wounded Hearts

Radio waves travel far. The Women of Hope program brings the message of hope and comfort to wounded hearts in distant places where our feet will never go. And as a constant companion to countless women, it creates a unity between listeners and...

Be a Lighthouse

As Christians, we get to be like lighthouses, helping to guide seafarers on the dark waters away from shipwreck and into safe harbor. ...

Transforming Communities

Mali is a country in West Africa whose northern boundaries lie deep in the Sahara. Due to drought and internal fighting, the people of Mali face increasing vulnerability. Women and children are particularly susceptible in these conditions, and the...

Solace and Strength

I wanted to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for the profound impact your ministry has had on my life. As a Lebanese woman living in a country engulfed in despair and need, your Arabic Women of Hope Christian radio program has been a...

Hope in Your Hands

"What do you have in your hand?" ...

Story of Hope | Hope for the Indian woman

If you were to converse with typical women in India, you would often hear how overworked and underappreciated they feel. That no one understands or cares for their needs is a common sentiment resonating among women on social media. ...

FREE eBook

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and...

Europe Awareness Article

Europe consists of 45 countries and holds within its borders a vast array of cultural and linguistic variance. It is estimated that there are about 160 culturally distinct groups in Europe. To date, about 72.2% of Europeans are Christian, 6.8%...

Latin America & Caribbean Awareness Article

Stretching over 7,000 miles from Mexico to Argentina, Latin America is a region that embraces a wide range of cultures and traditions. From mountains to tropical landscapes, it is a varied land of tremendous beauty. Latinos are known for their...