Meetings in Central Asia

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please pray for our global director, Susie Pek and our TWR Women of Hope leaders in Central Asia as they meet together. Pray that God will strengthen and encourage our leaders there and give them creativity and inspiration to minister to... read more

Words of Hope and Healing

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please join us in prayer for our TWR Women of Hope national coordinators and teams on the ground around the world. As so many nations are dealing with wars, instability and natural disasters, may our teams reach out to their people in... read more

Central Asia Conference Preparations

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please pray for TWR Women of Hope global director Susie Pek and their Central Asia team as they are planning for their regional conference in October. May God give Susie the wisdom and discernment to know what content to present at this... read more


Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Father, we lift up Miia da Silva as she transitions from maternity leave back into her regional coordinator position with TWR Women of Hope in Europe and CAMENA. Give her the strength, grace and clarity of mind to carry out what you have... read more

In Transition

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please pray for our many TWR Women of Hope leaders and volunteers who are in transition. Some are new to their positions and going through onboarding, others are going on or coming off of maternity leave. May God help them balance their... read more

Pray for Cassius Smith

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Father, Women of Hope is so grateful that you have provided Cassius Smith to step back into leadership as acting president for TWR for such a time as this. Please grant him wisdom, discernment and all that is needed to accomplish the work... read more

Women of Hope Leaders and Volunteers

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
The vast majority of those working with TWR Women of Hope around the world are volunteers. They face many stresses in their marriages, families and in the circumstances that surround them. Please join us in praying that the Lord would... read more

Scripts and Programs

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please join us in praying for our national coordinators as they seek guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit in writing scripts and producing Women of Hope programs that minister to women in their nation and which draw them closer in... read more

Salvation for KC

W Sanchez · Submitted:
Father, we pray for KC and ask that you draw her to salvation through you. Work in her life that she would be dedicated to you and surrender every part of her life to you. May she begin to live a life of chastity, purity and holiness for... read more

Prayers to Stand Strong

Father, we continue to pray about C's current job situation and her desire for you to open up new employment. Help her to focus her mind and heart on your faithfulness and presence so that fear and anxiety do not rob her of the ability to... read more

Lord Guide our Meetings

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please pray for our US TWR Women of Hope team as we meet with global director Susie Pek for our annual team meetings. Pray that the Lord would guide us as we present, discuss and pray through ministry ideas for 2025. Please pray for safe... read more

Prayer for healing and salvation

Peggy Cameron · Submitted:
My general manager, Brad, is starting #1 of 18 chemo treatments for cancer today. Please pray for his healing but also for his salvation. I have no idea of his relationship with the Lord. Thank you, Peggy read more