A Nepali woman who contacted TWR Women of Hope offers a perfect example of why our ministry has sought to use any means possible to speak into the lives of our intended audience.

Sushma* got in touch to say that she loves the Women of Hope program even though she isn’t a Christian. Family problems have disrupted the family, and she lives apart from her husband and 5-year-old son. She battles significant depression.

“One day I was considering suicide, and I was listening to the radio at the same time,” Sushma said. “The program discussion about depression deeply affected me, and I am convinced that your prayer has the power to transform my life. After the session, I stopped considering suicide and began to see hope for the future.”

Sushma closed with a heartwarming thank-you for the Women of Hope team’s follow-up and counseling.

For two and a half decades, we have striven to develop new ways to introduce Jesus to women like Sushma and to provide practical information they can use to improve their own lives and the lives of their families and communities. First, there were in-person prayer groups, a widely circulated monthly prayer calendar and a 30-minute radio program.

Then our program called Hidden Treasures, specifically for trafficked and exploited women, was developed, and skills training and prison ministries were set up in some countries. Most recently, the Precious and Beloved broadcast was created for Muslim women who want to learn more about Jesus.

And we aren't slowing down. The needs around the world never go away, so the ideas for addressing them keep coming. It’s the reason the New Development Fund was set up, inviting missions-minded people like you to help turn the ideas into concrete reality. Will you pray about joining the effort?

* A pseudonym to protect her privacy

Photo courtesy of IMB.org