
Pauletta Martin

Please pray for the salvation of two Chinese North Carolina State University doctoral students who heard the 3 Circles salvation presentation last Friday during our zoom fellowship. They knew nothing about the Bible, but they listened intently and asked questions. Sarah from Southeastern Theological Seminary gave an excellent presentation and then discussed the first Easter from the gospel of John chapter 20.

Please also pray for Gerson, our son's foster child from Guatemala who had previously been human trafficked in agriculture. He needs good role model, but we've been unable to find a Latino male to disciple him. Gerson has made  friends who are a bad influence, and he has experimented with smoking and drinking this year. Recently he ran away, but thankfully the police found him quickly.

Please also pray for our son, Kevin, who's been under a lot of stress.

This has been prayed for 6 times
Last prayed for on Jun 5, 2020