TWR office fire

Praise and Prayer Requests for TWR Cary Staff

  • Give praise and thanks to the Lord that the fire, which could have been far worse, caused no injuries and no more structural damage than it did.
  • Praise the Lord that the ministry’s global operations are continuing to spread the gospel with little or no interruption. No broadcast time was lost because of the fire.
  • Pray for Chief Financial Officer Steve Hippe as he works with TWR’s insurance company on the details of our claim.
  • Pray for the effectiveness of our first-rate disaster-recovery contractor and the ongoing criminal investigation led by Cary Police.
  • Pray for Paul Stobbe and his Ministry Services team, working with corporate and departmental leaders, as they hasten to arrange improvised workspaces for staff members who work in the section of the building most impacted by the fire.
  • Pray for God’s provision to cover the unplanned for expenses resulting from this fire including our insurance deductible, security upgrades needed and other costs not covered by insurance.
  • Taking hold of one of his many promises, ask the Lord once again, as he has done so often in TWR’s 66-year ministry, to go ahead of us and provide the resources needed not only to overcome this crisis but also to enable us to speak hope into the lives of millions around the world. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11


This has been prayed for 12 times
Last prayed for on Jan 26, 2018