Leaders: Philile in South Africa

April 2018 - Leaders: Philile in South Africa

Philile Bhengu is the TWR Women of Hope Regional Coordinator for Southern and Eastern Africa. Before her current position, she coordinated... read more
Why Humility is Important for Christian Leadership

April 2018 - Why Humility is Important for Christian Leadership

Humility - the trait that we appreciate in someone else but struggle with in our own life. Humility is a concept frequently talked about in... read more
Painting a Picture of Hope

April 2018 - Painting a Picture of Hope

Dear Friends, ... read more
Leaders: Inja in South Korea

March 2018 - Leaders: Inja in South Korea

Inja Jeong is the TWR Women of Hope coordinator in Korea. She produces radio broadcasts in Korean and equips the local prayer ministry by... read more
Finding Hope in God's Word

March 2018 - Finding Hope in God's Word

Dear friends, ... read more
Leading in Love

February 2018 - Leading in Love

When you think of a great leader, what words come to mind? Courageous? Kind? Visionary? How about love? ... read more
Leaders: Navy in Cambodia

February 2018 - Leaders: Navy in Cambodia

TWR Women of Hope coordinators are incredible. Day-to-day they produce, translate, and distribute radio programs, prayer calendars, and... read more
How Do We Define Love?

February 2018 - How Do We Define Love?

Dear Friends, ... read more
Vision and Mission for Christian Women

January 2018 - Vision and Mission for Christian Women

This time of year is the season of imagining a better future. We resolve to transform ourselves into an improved version for 2018. Through... read more
Leaders: South Asia

January 2018 - Leaders: South Asia

What better way to “go deeper” in 2018 than to spotlight a few of the gifted women who lead TWR Women of Hope around the world? ... read more
Believing Who He says He Is

January 2018 - Believing Who He says He Is

Dear friends, ... read more
Facebook Live: What God Did in 2017

December 2017 - Facebook Live: What God Did in 2017

Hi friends, ... read more
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