Jesus is our Hope

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please pray that non-believers will connect with Women of Hope’s message of hope in Jesus. May their curiosity cause them to listen and explore who Jesus is and why he is our source of hope. Pray for relationships to be built between... read more


Larry Webb · Submitted:
Please pray for our daughter, Cheryl, who is 50 and has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I know God is in control. Please pray for help for our family and, of course, for her healing in this. God Bless you. Larry read more

Prayer for my little sister

S K · Submitted:
I'm requesting prayer for my little sister who is 17. Last night she reached out to a boy from her past talking about wanting to turn back to doing drugs. She said doing Coke did not make her an addict because she only did it a few times... read more

Pray for Susie Pek's Visa

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please pray for Susie Pek, global director for TWR Women of Hope, as she finally has her US Visa interview on December 5. Please pray that she will be granted a Visa to visit the US. read more

Praying for our Europe and CAMENA regional coordinator

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please pray for Miia da Silva as she begins maternity leave on December 1 and for Miia Kallio, the acting regional coordinator for WOH Europe and CAMENA, as she steps into this temporary role. read more

Hope Challenge End of Year Fund Raiser

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
As TWR Women of Hope’s year end funder raiser, Hope Challenge, goes out to our donors by post and email, may the Lord touch the hearts of people to connect to and participate in funding the highlighted projects. We also pray for the Lord... read more

Pray for my Sister

Please pray for my younger sister who is an addict. She is screaming and begging my mother to see a boy who is an addict and I'm worried she will run away again. Please pray for God's will in her life. I just hope she doesn't need to learn... read more

God, Grow the Seed that is Shared

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
In TWR Women of Hope we know that we cannot do our jobs in our own strength or talent. As God draws people to himself, we present the truth in our programs, content and in direct ministry with women. The Holy Spirit enables them to... read more

Praying for the Future

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please pray that God will give wisdom and guidance to Susie Pek and our global team leaders as we plan for 2024 and the future of TWR Women of Hope -- may we each hear the Lord’s heart. read more

Praying for Ministry in Asia

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
TWR Women of Hope global director, Susie Pek, will be attending the Asia Partners Conference in South Korea October 30 - November 3. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide every conversation, give creativity for partnering in ministry and... read more

Growing Women of Hope Ministry in Latin America

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Susie Pek will be sharing via video to those attending the TWR Latin America national partners conference in Guatemala beginning October 23. Please pray for open doors for TWR Women of Hope to grow in this region. read more

Prayers for Hope Challenge

Lisa Hall · Submitted:
Please pray for Brianna Ulasi, our TWR Women of Hope marketing and communications coordinator as she works on creating our end of year fund raiser, Hope Challenge. Pray that the logistics of this project would come together and flow... read more